Professional software for hostels
brak zdjęcia

Front desk master is a company that has got a very modern offer for hostels and other companies that offer accommodation to their customers. This offer includes special software for hostel that allows for efficient management of many important processes. Thanks to this computer application it is possible to save a lot of time. The software helps with many activities like booking, preparing price strategies, analysis, etc. The software for hostel is fully available offline and can be synchronized between many computers in hostel. Database is stored locally. There is also a special software available online from all devices with the Internet connection. It is possible to integrate it with social media and to manage many properties owned by a hostel. The offer includes not only a professional software, but also a free setup and training, so each worker of a hostel will not have any problems with using these computer programs.

Nazwa: HostelSystem sp. z o.o.

Adres: Dolnej Wsi 5 44-100 Gliwice

Adres www:

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